Tag: Spices

Azerbaijani Food


Azerbaijani food has Central Asian and Turkish roots.  Grilled meats, especially lamb, are favorites.   Meals often come with yogurt, cheeses, fresh greens, pickles, and bread.  An equal amount of fresh vegetables, nuts, and fruits is often on the table as well.  Bread is very important and is usually cooked in clay ovens called tandoor.  Of course, with the national fruit being pomegranates, there is usually either a bowl full of fresh seeds or a dish made with the fruit or its syrup when pomegrantes are in season.  These are photos I took in an open air market in the town of Salyan in southern Azerbaijan; down the street from the Baku Train station; on the side of the road in Xixi; and at a gas station in the north of the country where a farmer had filled his Lada with apples for market.

The Purchase; Azerbaijan
Summer Produce; Azerbaijan
Thumbs up; Azerbaijan
Street Venders; Azerbaijan
Spices; Azerbaijan
Proud of his Harvest; Azerbaijan
Pickles; Azerbaijan
Making Gutab; Azerbaijan

Gutab is a savory dish similar to turnovers.  The thin dough is rolled out and then stuffed with ground meat, mixed herbs, or pumpkin.  It is cooked on a hot plate.  Once ready, it is served with yogurt on the side and topped with ground dried sumac flowers.