Tag: Travel Photography


Baku, the capital of Azerbaijan, sticks out like an eagle’s beak into the Caspian Sea. It is the world’s lowest capital city (92 feet or 28 meters below sea level) and is known as the City of Wind. The Old City, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, has tight winding streets and is largely pedestrian only. Old and new architecture, the new as a result of much of the country’s oil production, seem to meld together easily creating a dynamic city.

Once a small city on the Silk Road, Baku began to come into its own in the 12th Century after an earthquake that gave Ahistan I the opportunity to make Baku his new capital city. The city grew, and in the 19th century the oil boom began. The Nobel brothers in particular capitalized on the rich oil deposits. The oil money and mix of western Europeans, Russians, and Persians who all came to Baku helped give the city its unique beauty.

Baku; Azerbaijan
Baku’s old city; Azerbaijan
Balcony; Baku, Azerbaijan
Monument to Azerbaijan’s literary figures; Baku, Azerbaijan
Man and his store; Baku, Azerbaijan
Door; Baku, Azerbaijan
Old City; Baku, Azerbaijan
Old City; Baku, Azerbaijan
One’s shadow; Baku, Azerbaijan
Outlook in the Old City: Baku, Azerbaijan
New and Old; Baku, Azerbaijan
Azadliq Ave; Baku, Azerbaijan
Persimmons; Baku, Azerbaijan
Checkmate; Baku, Azerbaijan
A cat comes to tea; Baku, Azerbaijan

Introduction to Azerbaijan

Azerbaijan, a country between the Caspian Sea and the Caucasus Mountains, is much more than a former Soviet Republic. The topography is stunning, and Baku, the capital city, has clear Western and Eastern influences. I’ve been to Azerbaijan four times and traveled around exploring the country, which has a sort of wild and captivating beauty.

Now, the conflict between Azerbaijan and Armenia over Nagorno-Karabakh has flared up again. However, I want to share that Azerbaijan is much more than this one war, that real people live there and that everyone who has the opportunity to visit this fascinating country should.

Below are five pictures I took on my trips to Azerbaijan and I will post others in the future to show more of this beautiful country.


Lake Goygol; Azerbaijan

Lake Goygol or “Blue Lake” is a National Park in the Ganja-Gazakh region of Azerbaijan, in the northwestern part of the country. It is tremendously beautiful with clear waters and a lush green landscape. However, due to its proximity to Armenia, and therefore the line of contact, the area is now under fire as part of the conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh.

Chess players on the shore of the Caspian in Baku; Azerbaijan

Chess is a popular game in Azerbaijan.  Here, children are playing chess on a section of Bulvar, a long pedestrian walkway with parks that follows the shoreline of the Caspian Sea in Baku.

Head in a Crowd; Baku, Azerbaijan

This bust of woman watches over rugs in a store in the Old City.


Adding condiments; Azerbaijan

Meanwhile outside a store in Baku, hot dogs are advertised with this amusing character.

Selfie; Baku, Azerbaijan

People take selfies in Baku with their backs to Maiden Tower. The tower is a landmark in the Old City.